Morning Glory: Fusing Art and Nature

Unveiling the Installation

Paula de Solminihac and Vicente Donoso brought forth “Morning Glory,” a captivating site-specific art installation gracing Faena Beach during Miami Art Week 2022. This visionary land art creation intertwined with the environment, presenting wooden platforms resembling the Morning Glory plant, enriching the beachscape with its profound symbolism and interactive appeal.

Inspired by Nature

In collaboration with Vicente Donoso, Paula de Solminihac drew inspiration from the resilient Beach Morning Glory plant, abundant along Florida beaches. Mimicking the plant’s form and function, the installation comprised eleven wooden structures, establishing a harmonious relationship between artistic expression and ecological preservation.

A Space for Interaction and Exploration

Transforming Faena Beach into a communal space, “Morning Glory” invited visitors to engage with its tactile and sensory elements. Throughout the day, individuals indulged in various activities, fostering a sense of connection with both the artwork and the natural surroundings.

Metamorphosis at Sunset

As daylight transitioned into dusk, “Morning Glory” underwent a mesmerizing transformation, illuminated against the night sky. Bathed in hues of green and pink, the installation offered a captivating nocturnal spectacle, evoking a sense of wonder and enchantment among spectators.

Fostering Reflection and Collaboration

“Moring Glory” transcended its role as a mere art installation, becoming a catalyst for introspection and dialogue. Recognized by the 2022 Faena Arts Prize jury for its relevance in addressing climate change and environmental concerns, the installation sparked contemplation and shared experiences among viewers.

Celebrating Artistic Innovation

The presentation of the Faena Arts Prize underscored Faena Art’s commitment to artistic experimentation and innovation. As “Morning Glory” captured the public’s imagination, it exemplified the transformative power of art in enriching public spaces and fostering connections with nature.

Embodying the Spirit of Land Art

Paula de Solminihac and Vicente Donoso’s collaborative effort epitomized the essence of land art, seamlessly blending with the natural landscape while engaging viewers on a profound level. “Morning Glory” stood as a testament to the enduring bond between art and nature, leaving an indelible mark on Miami Art Week and beyond.

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