Rems-Murr-Klinikum A Harmonious Blend of Architecture and Landscape

Integration of Buildings and Park

The design concept for Rems-Murr-Klinikum, crafted by hutterreimann Landschaftsarchitektur in collaboration with Hascher Jehle architects, seamlessly integrates the clinic buildings with an expansive park. The architectural structures interweave with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious environment that enhances the quality of life for both patients and visitors.

Urban Entity and Central Piazza

The newly constructed gazebos, designated as Houses A, B, C, and D, are strategically arranged around a central square, known as the ‘Piazza,’ forming a cohesive urban entity. This Piazza serves as the primary access point to the buildings, with House A’s main entrance being prominently located here. The uniformly paved surface of the Piazza is complemented by a lush central garden, offering a serene space for relaxation. Blooming shrubs, perennials, and grasses form the garden’s foundation, while flowering cherry trees provide a light canopy. Multifunctional wooden elements beneath these trees invite visitors to linger and enjoy the outdoor space.

Nature-Oriented Patient’s Garden

Connected to the eastern and southern peripheries of the Piazza is the ‘Patient’s Garden,’ designed as a nature-oriented landscape park. This garden encourages leisurely walks and moments of contemplation. Gently sloping meadows lead towards the existing copse along the Zipfelbach stream. The landscape alternates between freely arranged groves and open lawns, developed as fertile meadows with grasses and wild herbs under extensive care.

Restoration and Relaxation Spaces

As part of the compensation measures for the new buildings, the western brookside is reinstated, creating small relaxation spaces that offer opportunities to experience the stream. The existing ponds are preserved, with their surrounding areas maintained as nature-oriented zones to foster ecological succession and act as a buffer between the ponds and the Patient’s Garden. A simple network of pathways with water-bound surfaces traverses the lawns from north to south, and an existing trench is transformed into a near-natural stream.

Additional Features and Green Spaces

The café on the ground floor of House A boasts an additional terrace with a southwestern exposure, enhancing the dining experience with outdoor seating. Green courtyards within the health center allow natural light to penetrate interior spaces, providing ‘green work breaks’ and offering views of tranquil garden scenes. Rooftop areas are covered with extensive green vegetation, featuring small terraces that offer open spaces for patients and employees, along with views of the surrounding landscape.

By integrating the clinic buildings with the parkland, Rems-Murr-Klinikum creates a serene and therapeutic environment, fostering well-being through its thoughtful design and connection to nature.

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