Retirement Home “Trädgårdarna”: A Harmonious Blend of Nature and Care

Vision and Design Concept

In Örebro, a town east of Stockholm, the municipality has made significant strides in enhancing the living environments for its elderly residents. One of the standout projects is the retirement home “Trädgårdarna” (The Gardens), designed by LAND arkitektur. This project aims to create a living space that is not only safe but also stimulating, attractive, and surprising, drawing on the latest research in elder care.

Diverse and Stimulating Outdoor Spaces

The design of “Trädgårdarna” focuses on providing diverse outdoor spaces that encourage movement and independence among residents. The retirement home features atrium gardens tailored to various needs. Some gardens are designed for residents who require minimal stimuli, offering peaceful and calming environments, while others are larger and cater to communal activities, providing a higher level of sensory engagement.

Accessibility and Safety

A key aspect of the design is to ensure that outdoor areas are accessible to residents with functional impairments. Paths and gardens are laid out in a way that minimizes the risk of residents with dementia getting lost, promoting independent exploration in a safe environment.

Interaction with Nature

The selection of plants in “Trädgårdarna” is deliberate, aimed at attracting a variety of insects and birds, thus enhancing the sensory experiences available to residents throughout the year. The changing seasons bring different sights, sounds, and smells, which residents can enjoy from their living rooms and bedrooms, as well as the gardens.

Architectural Harmony

The layout of the gardens is reminiscent of a monastery, creating defined and serene interior outdoor spaces that seamlessly integrate with the larger local environment. This design choice ensures that the gardens not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the retirement home but also harmonize with the surrounding landscape. The interaction between the outdoor spaces and the building’s architecture symbolizes the marriage of attractive design and safe accommodation.


“Trädgårdarna” in Örebro is a testament to the potential of thoughtful design in improving the quality of life for elderly residents. By creating diverse, accessible, and nature-integrated spaces, LAND arkitektur has crafted an environment that promotes independence, safety, and sensory enrichment, setting a new standard for retirement homes.

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