Revitalizing the Glatt River: Fil Bleu by Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur

Historical Evolution of the Glatt River

The Glatt River has undergone significant transformations, evolving from an Ice Age wetland to an industrial waterway, and now to a town stream. This dynamic history reflects a series of distinct images shaped by various phases of development. Currently, with expanding housing projects, the river faces increasing demands for recreational and transit space. However, these pressures conflict with the needs for nature conservation and flood protection.

Vision and Design Concept of Fil Bleu

“Fil Bleu” represents a unified vision for the Glatt River basin, developed collaboratively by the surrounding communities and the canton of Zürich. The design treats the two banks of the river differently to address local conditions. The left bank is revitalized with a riverside path that includes recreational facilities, encouraging closer interaction between people and the river. Conversely, the right bank is renaturalized, with limited access to preserve its natural state.

Strengthening the River Basin’s Identity

To enhance the identity of the river basin as a cohesive park space shared by neighboring communities, recurring design elements are strategically integrated. These include seating areas facing the stream, steps leading to spaces at the water’s edge, and lighting that highlights the numerous bridges, ensuring safety at night. Temporary furniture elements are also introduced to make the space immediately recognizable and usable for recreation, despite the long-term nature of the project.

Holistic Approach to Urban and Natural Integration

The transformation of the Glatt River basin under the Fil Bleu project adheres to a set of principles that balance development with environmental preservation. This approach positions the river not merely as an extension of the housing developments but as a holistic element of the open space. It integrates the natural landscape with the urban environment, creating a continuous park space that benefits both the ecosystem and the community.

By carefully balancing recreational use, conservation, and urban development, the Fil Bleu project by Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur offers a sustainable vision for the future of the Glatt River, ensuring it remains a valuable and vibrant part of the region’s natural and urban fabric.

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