Revitalizing Urban Spaces: Jinnovation Park, Hai Dian Qu, China

In the heart of Hai Dian Qu, China, stands Jinnovation Park—a testament to urban transformation and technological innovation. Designed by Chiasmus Partners, this sprawling complex spans 120,000 square meters and represents a remarkable metamorphosis from a defunct furniture factory to a thriving hub for the robotics industry.

From Pollution to Progress: A High-Tech Oasis

Jinnovation Park symbolizes the evolution of urban landscapes, where obsolete industrial sites give way to cutting-edge technological ecosystems. Once plagued by heavy pollution, the former furniture factory now houses a cluster of high-tech companies and research and development centers, propelling China’s robotics industry forward.

Full Occupancy and Strategic Location

Strategically positioned amidst renowned universities and leading high-tech enterprises, Jinnovation Park quickly attained full occupancy. Its 1.2 million square feet of renovated space attract top-tier businesses, fostering collaboration and innovation within its vibrant ecosystem.

Connecting Spaces: A Pedestrian Promenade

A distinctive feature of Jinnovation Park is its raised pedestrian promenade—a dynamic outdoor linkage reminiscent of the iconic “high-line” project in New York City’s Chelsea district. This elevated walkway seamlessly connects refurbished buildings, fostering interaction and mobility while preserving the site’s industrial heritage.

Harmonizing Nature and Technology

Beyond functionality, Jinnovation Park prioritizes the integration of nature and technology. The redesign of open spaces and internal streets incorporates hidden technology and flexible spatial arrangements, complemented by indigenous vegetation that pays homage to the site’s history.

Amenities for Community Engagement

Jinnovation Park isn’t just about work—it’s a vibrant community space brimming with amenities. From state-of-the-art gyms to indoor climbing facilities and marathon tracks, the park offers a plethora of recreational options. Additionally, a multi-purpose event space with outdoor theater seating, alongside cozy cafes and cafeterias, fosters social interaction and relaxation.

In conclusion, Jinnovation Park stands as a beacon of urban revitalization and technological progress. By repurposing a former industrial site into a dynamic, future-forward hub, Chiasmus Partners has not only transformed the physical landscape but also catalyzed innovation and collaboration within Hai Dian Qu’s burgeoning robotics sector.

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