Redefining Plastic Surgery: NV Plastic Surgery Clinic by 420 Design Studio

Located in Ulsan, South Korea, NV Plastic Surgery Clinic is a total design project undertaken by 420 Design Studio, encompassing branding and interior design. The clinic spans two floors, with the 8th floor housing reception, counseling, and treatment areas, while the 9th floor functions as a surgery center. The design studio’s approach aimed to redefine the concept of plastic surgery, drawing inspiration from cosmic phenomena and the exploration of new dimensions.

Cosmic Inspiration

420 Design Studio drew inspiration from the concept of black holes and the transformative nature of passing through them. They likened plastic surgery to passing through a black hole, where individuals enter a new dimension and emerge transformed. This cosmic metaphor guided the design philosophy of the clinic, symbolizing a journey to a whole new universe of aesthetics and self-expression.

New Horizons

The name “NV Plastic Surgery” reflects the studio’s aspiration to open new horizons for visitors. Taking cues from the movie “Interstellar,” which explores themes of space exploration and black holes, the design team envisioned the clinic as a gateway to new vistas. Scenes depicting black holes in the film served as a motif, inspiring the overall aesthetic and conceptual framework of the clinic.

A Palette of Contrast

Drawing from the imagery of black holes, the design team chose a color palette dominated by shades of orange and gray. Orange symbolized the intense heat of a black hole, while gray represented the cold, vast expanse of space. Stainless steel accents added to the futuristic ambiance, evoking the atmosphere of a space station. The contrast between the fiery orange and the cool gray underscored the transformative journey experienced by patients.

Symbolic Elements

Horizontal lines permeate the space of NV Plastic Surgery, symbolizing the horizon of events and the expansion into new dimensions. These lines intersect walls, shelves, and signage, metaphorically representing the opening of new dimensions for visitors. Light plays a crucial role in the design, symbolizing the beginning of creation and the journey towards transformation. Sequential lighting elements guide visitors through the clinic, metaphorically illuminating the path to a new level of self-discovery and reinvention.


NV Plastic Surgery Clinic by 420 Design Studio transcends conventional notions of plastic surgery by infusing cosmic inspiration and symbolic elements into its design. By drawing parallels between plastic surgery and cosmic phenomena, the clinic offers patients a transformative experience akin to exploring new dimensions. With its innovative design philosophy and symbolic elements, NV Plastic Surgery Clinic redefines the concept of aesthetic enhancement, inviting patients to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reinvention.

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