Paris Hilton’s Concerns About Social Media Addiction

Paris Hilton's Concerns About Social Media Addiction

Paris Hilton recently expressed her hope that her children won’t become as “addicted to social media” as she is. Speaking at the “A Day of Unreasonable Conversation” summit in Los Angeles, Hilton emphasized her desire for her kids to experience life beyond the confines of social media and smartphone usage.

During the panel, Hilton highlighted the impact of social media on children’s outdoor activities, noting a decline in outdoor playtime due to excessive screen time. She voiced her aspiration for her children to lead lives filled with positivity and genuine human connections, rather than being consumed by social media.

Hilton, who has two children with her husband Carter Reum, has previously shared her concerns about social media’s influence. In her reality series “Paris in Love,” she expressed her hope that her future daughter wouldn’t aspire to become an influencer, citing the toxicity and pressure for perfection often associated with social media.

In her documentary “This Is Paris,” Hilton reflected on her role in popularizing social media and expressed a sense of responsibility for contributing to its addictive nature. She acknowledged the negative effects of excessive screen time on mental health, particularly among young people.

Paris Hilton’s concerns echo those of other celebrity parents like Penélope Cruz, who have raised alarms about the impact of social media on children’s well-being. Cruz emphasized the dangers of manipulation and the need to protect developing minds from the harmful effects of excessive screen time.

As global smartphone usage continues to rise, it’s essential to recognize the risks associated with excessive screen time, including increased rates of depression and anxiety among youths. Experts recommend limiting children’s exposure to digital devices and prioritizing real-life interactions to promote healthy development.

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