ULMA Architectural Solutions: Transforming Buildings with Ventilated Facades

ULMA Architectural Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services encompassing the design, manufacturing, and installation of ventilated facade systems, revolutionizing the way buildings are clad and renovated.

Collaborative Restoration Project in Pamplona

In collaboration with architect Iñaki Tanco from TCGA Arquitectos, ULMA Architectural Solutions undertook the restoration of a large, distinctive building in Pamplona, showcasing their expertise in rejuvenating architectural facades.

Tailored Solutions and Structural Integrity

ULMA’s involvement in the project included conducting structure-specific calculations to ensure optimal performance and compliance with local regulations. This involved analyzing the load-bearing structure and conducting on-site sample testing to determine the load-bearing capacity of the walls and wind load in the area. By customizing the modular breakdown and adapting the facade to the building’s unique specifications, ULMA ensured seamless integration and simplified on-site installation.

Enhanced Aesthetics and Functionality

For this residential building restoration, ULMA collaborated with the architect to achieve a modern and stylish aesthetic. Utilizing white paper-textured panels for balcony fronts and black earth-textured panels for the facade, ULMA enhanced the building’s appearance while maintaining durability and functionality. Additionally, ULMA designed an auxiliary structure on the roof coping to improve the building’s upper facade and conceal rain gutters, further enhancing its visual appeal.

Efficiency and Coordination

ULMA’s comprehensive approach to project management ensures efficiency and coordination at every stage. With its in-house profile system and manufacturing capabilities, ULMA seamlessly integrates design, production, and installation processes. The presence of ULMA’s own fitters facilitates on-site production management, contributing to timely project completion. Despite the scale of the project—supplying and installing over 3000m2 of facade system—the entire process was completed in less than a year, demonstrating ULMA’s commitment to quality and efficiency.

Value Enhancement and Comfort Improvement

By implementing ULMA’s ventilated facade system, the restored building not only underwent a remarkable aesthetic transformation but also experienced an increase in property value and improved comfort levels. ULMA’s innovative solutions not only elevate the visual appeal of buildings but also enhance their functionality and livability.

Material and Sustainability

ULMA’s ventilated facade systems often utilize stone, a durable and sustainable material known for its longevity and aesthetic versatility. By incorporating natural materials like stone, ULMA prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility in its projects, contributing to a more sustainable built environment.

In essence, ULMA Architectural Solutions stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of facade design and construction, offering tailored solutions that combine aesthetic excellence, structural integrity, and sustainability. Through collaborative partnerships and a commitment to excellence, ULMA continues to redefine architectural possibilities, one facade at a time.

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