Preserving Heritage: The Revitalization of Cabbio Square

Preserving Heritage: The Revitalization of Cabbio Square

Located at the end of the village of Cabbio in Switzerland, Cabbio Square has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the visionary work of enrico sassi architetto. This project, completed in 2022, stands as a testament to the intersection of landscape architecture and historical preservation, breathing new life into a cultural asset of significant importance.

Restoring Cultural Heritage

Cabbio Square, spanning an area of 1100 square meters, holds immense cultural significance as it is overlooked by the San Salvatore’s Church, a cherished landmark in the region. Recognized as a protected cultural asset, the square demanded careful restoration to maintain its historical integrity while meeting the needs of modern-day users.

Securing the Retaining Wall

One of the primary challenges addressed by the project was the stabilization of the existing retaining wall, which showed signs of instability. A meticulous process involved demolishing and reconstructing the wall using reinforced concrete, meticulously preserving the original stone covers and engravings. Additionally, the relocation and replanting of trees further enhanced the square’s natural charm.

Paving and Rainwater Management

The project also focused on upgrading the square’s flooring and rainwater management systems. The beaten earth flooring was replaced with Saltrio stone cubes, meticulously laid to align with the steps of the churchyard. Rainwater is collected through a system of grids, undergoes mechanical pre-purification, and is reintroduced into a natural receptor, ensuring sustainable water management.

Incorporating Heritage Furniture

Furniture elements, including a fountain crafted from ancient Arzo marble and stone seats made from Moltrasio stone, were strategically placed to enhance the square’s functionality and aesthetic appeal. These elements, sourced from excavated material within the square, seamlessly blend modern design with historical craftsmanship.


The revitalization of Cabbio Square serves as a shining example of how landscape architecture can breathe new life into historic spaces. Through meticulous preservation, thoughtful design, and sustainable practices, enrico sassi architetto has not only restored a cultural gem but has also created a vibrant public space for generations to enjoy, bridging the past with the present and the future.

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