Revitalizing Chambésy Station Square: A Sustainable Approach

The rehabilitation of Chambésy station square in Switzerland, led by acau architecture sa, marks a significant transformation aimed at enhancing access to the old village and promoting sustainable mobility. This project, part of a broader renovation initiative by the Swiss Federal Railways (CFF), seeks to repurpose a space previously used as a parking lot and CFF facilities for fifteen years. By reclaiming this neglected area, the intervention aligns with the political agenda to encourage soft mobility and incentivize residents to utilize train services. Additionally, the project incorporates the renovation of an old cottage building, bridging the gap between the train station and the historic village.

Heritage Conservation and Design Integration

Situated in a protected heritage context, the project meticulously adheres to the recommendations of the Department of Monuments and Sites. Specific architectural choices, particularly regarding flooring quality and cottage building intervention, were influenced by heritage preservation guidelines. The integration of bi-color patterns in the flooring accentuates the land’s geometry, while a 60-meter-long bench provides seating and contributes to public lighting. The inclusion of tree-lined triangles adds greenery and absorbs public parking spaces, complementing the project’s orchard-inspired layout.

Cottage Renovation: Embracing Tradition and Sustainability

The conservation and renovation of the cottage prioritize preserving its volumetric integrity and unique position within the station square. Structural elements were meticulously analyzed and partially rebuilt using selected parts to maintain authenticity. Collaboration with local foresters facilitated the use of local oak in facade construction, aligning with the Municipality of Pregny-Chambésy’s commitment to promoting sustainability and supporting local industries. The building’s design, resembling a multipurpose kiosk, reflects a sustainable ethos with visible facade structures and intentionally oversized structural parts doubling as shelves.

In summary, the rehabilitation of Chambésy station square represents a harmonious blend of heritage conservation, sustainable design, and community engagement. By revitalizing the square and renovating the cottage, the project not only enhances the urban landscape but also fosters a sense of place and connectivity within the historic village.

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