Reflecting on Maria: A Monument of Remembrance and Reflection

The installation Maria, conceived by Christoph Hesse Architects, serves as a Reflecting Point created for Documenta fifteen, a renowned art exhibition held in Kassel, Germany, every five years. Spanning an area of 20 m², Maria is a poignant space designed for contemplation, remembrance, and unity.

Symbolism and Inspiration

Maria comprises seven spruce trunks, symbolizing the restoration of the original tree planted 125 years ago by Christoph Hesse’s great-grandmother, Maria, during her childhood. Sadly, the majestic tree succumbed to a plague of bark beetles, a consequence of climate change, two years prior. As such, Maria stands as a solemn monument, prompting reflection on the impact of climate change and the urgent need for environmental action.

A Place for Contemplation

The Reflecting Point Maria is more than just an installation; it is a sanctuary for collective reflection and fellowship. Visitors are invited to pause and contemplate the significance of Maria’s legacy, pondering how humanity can mitigate the effects of climate change and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Honoring a Legacy

Maria’s significance lies not only in its representation of environmental degradation but also in its homage to Christoph Hesse’s great-grandmother and her act of planting the original spruce tree over a century ago. Through this installation, Maria’s memory is preserved, her story serving as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness with nature and the importance of sustainable stewardship.

Fostering Togetherness

In its simplicity, Maria fosters a sense of togetherness and shared humanity. It beckons visitors to unite in contemplation and remembrance, transcending individual experiences to collectively confront the environmental challenges facing our world. As a symbol of resilience and hope, Maria inspires action and solidarity in the face of adversity.


Maria, the Reflecting Point crafted by Christoph Hesse Architects, stands as a testament to the enduring power of art to provoke thought, inspire change, and unite communities. In its quiet elegance, Maria invites us to reflect on our relationship with the natural world, urging us to confront the urgent need for environmental stewardship and collective action.

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