Redefining Public Spaces: The Fengyuan Station

Nestled along the picturesque south bank of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou’s Binjiang District, the Fengyuan Station emerges as a beacon of innovation and creativity. As an integral component of the 12-kilometer waterfront public space renovation project, meticulously crafted by the TJAD Original Design Studio, this architectural marvel redefines the concept of children’s paradise while seamlessly blending with the surrounding landscape.

A Visionary Approach: Renovation and Reinvention

The inception of the Fengyuan Station stemmed from a visionary approach to address the shortcomings of traditional cycling and running tracks. With a keen focus on enhancing connectivity and accessibility, the station transcends its functional purpose to embody a holistic oasis for both children and adults alike. By synchronously renovating the public space surrounding the service station, the project breathes new life into the riverside area, fostering a sense of vitality and community engagement.

Architectural Ingenuity: Origami-inspired Design

At the heart of the Fengyuan Station lies a testament to architectural ingenuity—an origami-inspired design that captivates the imagination. Drawing inspiration from the graceful art of paper folding, the station’s structure comprises five C-shaped units meticulously arranged to form a cohesive whole. Reminiscent of soaring kites dancing in the wind, the folded eaves exude a sense of lightness and fluidity, creating an enchanting visual spectacle against the backdrop of the Qiantang River.

Harmonious Integration: Form and Function

Central to the station’s design philosophy is the seamless integration of form and function. Each C-shaped unit serves a distinct purpose, with three units facing the river housing the Binjiang Bookstore, while the remaining two units facing the city’s hinterland accommodate an indoor coffee shop and an outdoor children’s playground. The thoughtful arrangement of spaces, coupled with the gentle shade provided by the eaves, fosters an inviting environment conducive to relaxation and social interaction.

Material Innovation: Balancing Aesthetics and Utility

Innovative material choices further elevate the station’s aesthetic appeal while ensuring structural integrity. Imitation wood aluminum plates adorn the inner side of each unit, creating a warm and inviting ambiance, while dark gray vertical locking titanium zinc plates lend a touch of contemporary sophistication to the exterior. The lightweight construction, characterized by dense columns and a gravity-resistant system, not only enhances the station’s visual appeal but also underscores its commitment to sustainability and efficiency.

Structural Brilliance: Engineering Marvels

Behind the station’s ethereal façade lies a testament to structural brilliance and engineering marvels. Spherical joint nodes and shuttle columns enable spatial articulation, while anti-pull bolts and cross cables ensure optimal stability and safety. By meticulously balancing structural slenderness and component stability, the station achieves a delicate equilibrium between form and function, embodying the timeless principles of architectural excellence.

In essence, the Fengyuan Station transcends the realm of conventional design to embrace a realm of limitless possibility and imagination. As a testament to the transformative power of architecture, it stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration—a sanctuary where dreams take flight and memories are etched in the fabric of time.

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