Ranking Ariana Grande’s Albums: From Worst to Best

Ranking Ariana Grande's Albums: From Worst to Best

Ariana Grande’s musical journey has been nothing short of remarkable, with seven studio albums released since 2013. Here, we delve into Business Insider’s ranking of her albums from least to most impressive, offering insights into each record’s strengths and weaknesses.

“Yours Truly”

Ariana Grande’s debut album, “Yours Truly,” showcases her talent as a vocalist and her passion for musical history. While it boasts standout tracks like “The Way,” the album struggles to establish a distinct identity amid influences from Grande’s musical idols.

“My Everything (Deluxe)”

Grande’s sophomore album, “My Everything,” demonstrates her versatility as she embraces evolving musical trends. While it features standout singles like “Problem” and “One Last Time,” the album occasionally feels dated due to its reliance on trend-following rather than forging a unique artistic vision.

“Dangerous Woman”

“Dangerous Woman” marks a significant shift in Grande’s persona, portraying her as a sexually empowered feminist. The album showcases Grande’s impressive vocal range across various genres, although its lack of cohesion prevents it from reaching its full potential.

“Positions (Deluxe)”

Grande’s “Positions” album reflects a period of contentment in her life, offering a cohesive listening experience with graceful vocals and polished production. However, its safe approach lacks the innovation and emotional depth found in her best work.

“Eternal Sunshine”

Released in 2024, “Eternal Sunshine” highlights Grande’s impeccable vocals and production quality. While the album excels in individual songs, its lack of coherence as a complete body of work prevents it from reaching the emotional resonance of her top albums.


“Sweetener” stands out as a bold departure from Grande’s previous work, showcasing her willingness to explore vulnerability and experimentation. With tracks like “R.E.M” and “God Is a Woman,” the album captivates listeners with its ethereal sound and introspective lyrics.

“Thank U, Next”

At the top of the list is “Thank U, Next,” a masterful blend of Grande’s vocal prowess, catchy melodies, and fearless storytelling. Released in the wake of personal tragedy, the album resonates deeply with listeners, offering an engaging and iconic pop experience from start to finish.

In conclusion, Ariana Grande’s discography is a testament to her evolution as an artist, with each album offering its own unique insights and contributions to her musical legacy. Whether exploring themes of love, empowerment, or self-discovery, Grande continues to captivate audiences with her talent and authenticity.

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