Lunawood’s Thermowood Facades: Sustainable and Versatile Solutions

Lunawood, a pioneer in eco-friendly wood products, offers Thermowood, a sustainable material crafted through natural processes involving heat and steam. Derived from Scandinavian PEFC-certified pine and spruce sourced from Finland, Thermowood embodies dimensional stability, resistance to decay, and non-toxicity, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications across diverse climates.

Ecological and Chemical-Free Facade Solution

Lunawood’s Thermowood facade presents an environmentally conscious and chemical-free alternative for exterior claddings and facades. Utilizing glue lamination technology, the product range features wide cladding boards that harness the innate qualities of Scandinavian softwood, enabling their use in hot and humid environments. Moreover, these exterior claddings boast resin-free compositions, enhancing their durability against decay and weathering.

Durability and Dimensional Stability

In Lunawood’s LunaThermo-D treatment, durability stands as a hallmark feature. Beyond aesthetic appeal, the biological resilience of Thermowood ensures longevity in various applications. The treatment process minimizes tangential swelling and shrinkage caused by moisture, resulting in exceptional dimensional stability. Through natural thermal modification and advanced gluing techniques, Lunawood achieves the production of robust cladding boards, measuring up to 210mm in width, characterized by sound knots and enduring quality.

Visual Quality and Color Variations

The high-temperature treatment process of Thermowood effectively eliminates resin from the wood, enhancing visual clarity for both coated and uncoated LunaThermo-D claddings. The color of the wood is influenced by the treatment temperature and duration, with higher temperatures yielding darker hues. Exposure to UV-light gradually transforms the wood to an elegant silver-grey patina, unless safeguarded by pigmented surface protection. While slight variations may occur due to natural variances in softwood density, Lunawood ensures consistent quality standards across its products.

Notable Features and Service Life

With an average tangential swelling and shrinkage rate of 5-6%, Lunawood’s Thermowood adheres to EN 113 standard classification, securing a durable (class 2) designation. Uncoated LunaThermo-D exterior claddings boast an expected service life of 30 years, subject to installation quality and environmental factors. Application of coatings further extends the product’s lifespan, provided proper maintenance is upheld according to manufacturer recommendations.

Application in Construction

Lunawood’s Thermowood finds versatile application in construction projects, particularly for facades and outdoor structures. Offering sustainability, durability, and aesthetic appeal, Thermowood stands as a preferred choice for architects and builders seeking eco-conscious solutions.

In conclusion, Lunawood’s Thermowood facades epitomize sustainability and functionality, offering a harmonious blend of natural beauty and enduring performance. With a commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation, Lunawood continues to redefine standards in the timber industry, providing solutions that inspire and endure.

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