Redefining Identity: Friends’ Central School Branding by Lucy Price

Lucy Price, a talented designer based in Philadelphia, spearheaded an exciting brand refresh for Friends’ Central School, a local educational institution deeply rooted in Quaker Values. At the core of the school’s ethos lies the powerful mantra “We Go Further,” symbolizing its unwavering commitment to academic excellence and the nurturing of courage within each student.

Embracing Innovation: Typography and Photography in Branding

In her transformative redesign, Lucy Price leveraged the dynamic interplay between typography and photography to redefine the school’s identity. Typography serves as a vehicle for conveying the institution’s values and aspirations, while photography adds depth and resonance to the narrative. By skillfully integrating overlapping imagery and graphics that expand along an underlying xy axis, Price created dynamic and engaging layouts that capture the essence of every student’s unique experience at Friends’ Central School.

Fostering Connection: Collateral that Tells a Story

Central to the brand refresh is the concept of storytelling through collateral. Each piece of branding material serves as a window into the multifaceted journey of students at Friends’ Central School. Through innovative design techniques and thoughtful composition, collateral pieces come to life, offering glimpses into the vibrant tapestry of academic, extracurricular, and community experiences that define the school’s culture.


In conclusion, Lucy Price’s dynamic brand refresh for Friends’ Central School encapsulates the institution’s ethos of academic excellence and personal growth. Through the strategic use of typography, photography, and innovative design elements, Price has succeeded in creating a visual identity that not only reflects the school’s values but also resonates with its diverse community. As Friends’ Central School continues to inspire and empower its students, Lucy Price’s branding serves as a compelling testament to the power of design in shaping educational experiences.

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